Friday, July 8, 2011

Second day of chemo - lead yanked out - restitched

For the most part, today was like yesterday.

I was on the anti-nausea iv and saline drips for about an hour before starting the first chemo.

While on the chemo treatment, things got a little interesting.

I was on my bed and tried to move to the side a bit to get comfortable.

When I put my hands down to support moving, I ended up trapping the left chest lead.

This popped some of the stitches, shredded some of the skin and backed out the lead.

The doctors were able to fix things and re-insert the lead but damn that hurt. A lot.

We were then able to proceed with the next chemo treatment.

Note to self. Always be aware of which way the leads are flowing.

Other than this, things are going relatively well.

Just exhausted all the time.

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