Sunday, February 26, 2012

Its baaaaack.

I guess all good things must come to an end. I went about a week or so with no real joint pain.. Guess it was just resting because it has come back with a vengeance. Just took two oxycodone's to help mitigate it somewhat. I know it is going to make me want to sleep but it is better than the alternative.

Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Dana Farber Day - latest levels are fantastic

Today's blood work results were spectacular.
                                                             Reference Range
White Blood Cell Count         6.7                (3.8-9.2)
Red Blood Cell Count           4.47               (4.2-5.6)
Platelet                              167               (155-410)

Everything is now showing in the normal range!

Things were even good enough that I no longer need to take the tacrolimus immune-suppressant.

Very excited about all of this.

Wednesday, February 8, 2012

Cold - day 2

Things seem to be doing better today. There is no fever and my chest congestion is gone. I do have nasal congestion and drip but that is about it. I don’t have aches and pains beyond what I normally have and there are no skin rashes or similar issues. 

Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Looks like we have a nice cold going on - not good

Having all the typical symptoms of a nasty head/chest cold. I called Dana Farber and they authorized my using over the counter medication to try and treat it but they are only willing to wait a day for signs of improvement. Should it go any longer, they are going to want me to go in for a once over. With my immune system impaired, it doesn't take much for this to turn into something more severe really fast.

Thursday, February 2, 2012

Rheumatology visit

The visit was about what I expected. The doctor checked the joints but my large hands make detecting swelling difficult. Hip movement in certain ranges is restricted which would explain the pain there. The problem is they cant tell right now if the pain is due to wear and tear or inflammation. I had x-rays done of the hands and that should reveal inflammation if it exists. If it isn't there, then we are likely looking at a form of osteoarthritis. If that is the case, then the best I can hope for is treatment for the pain. I wont see the doctor again until May which I am not happy about. I plan on calling them in a week or two since the x-rays would undoubtedly have been reviewed by then. Maybe i can arrange to get in earlier. The pain is pretty rough even on the best of days.