Monday, October 24, 2011

Its always something new

Looks like I might be progressing to a new stage.

Heartburn is more common and I now think pepperoni is too spicy.  Pathetic.

I also am noticing a new form of discoloration on the nails,

The black is fading away but the true cuticle and lunula are turning a chalky white.

I see my local oncologist on Wednesday so it will definitely be brought up.

Pain in the hands is sporadic but really intense.

Pain has also moved to my feet and knees but that could just be the.plantar fasciitis I've always had.

Hard to tell what causes what.

Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Today's visit - good news

Today's visit at Dana Farber was pretty good.

My levels continue to slowly rise and I have hit my 90 days out from transplant.Woo hoo!!!!

I can now somewhat expand my eating options (aka...  pepper, i missed you so) and even order in food.

Additionally, my tacrolimus anti-rejection drug is being reduced from 1.5mg to 1mg which means I should see a reduction in hand tremors.

Biggest news is with the eyes. It is definitely not GVHD. If it were, things would be steadily getting worse and they are not. Sometimes it is not bad. Other days, a crowbar is needed to open the eyes. In any case, no GVHD for now which is huge.

Sunday, October 9, 2011

The eyes have it

Woke up this morning and my eyes were practically welded shut. After prying them open, I noticed the face and upper/lower lids were very swollen. I've had this before but it seems to getting worse. Something to talk about when I go to Dana Farber this Wednesday. I've been reading on the web about this and it can get really nasty. If treated with steroids, my face will get really bloated plus a chance of cataracts or glaucoma. Backing away from any more web searches till I know more. Too much information can be a bad thing.