Wednesday, May 18, 2011

blood level news

Yes! Blood levels have remained largely constant. White cell count is down a bit more but not that significantly. If things continue at this rate, I should be in good shape until the transplant.

Have another appointment on June 1st for another check.

Tuesday, May 17, 2011

MDS Conference Agenda - video's linked on site for specific seminars

Notice received from the Dana Farber Search Coordinator

The Dana Farber Search coordinator has requested that a donor (21 year old male) donate a blood sample and be evaluated to donate in July making my potential admission date July 8th.
Dana Farber will be in touch a bit closer to get additional testing, consents, teaching, etc.

Hope this date pans out.

I want to get this over soonest.

Wednesday, May 11, 2011

More match news from Dana Farber

The coordinator at Dana Farber reports that my other sister, Erin, also is not a match.

On the upside, a search of thr marrow donor database shows over 400 possible matched.

I guess they will now start reaching out to these people to have follow-on blood typing done to confirm the match and such.

The goal is still to get the transplant done in June or July.

Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Inched a little closer to a stem cell transplant today - good news!

 Should Erin not come up as a match, we have options.

The coordinator at Dana Farber did a database search and found viable first pass matches.

These donors would still need to do a blood typing to get a confirmation but this is definitely good news.

Monday, May 2, 2011

Post doctors visit results

Todays doctor visit was a mixed bag of results. 

My levels are holding steady or only slightly declining which means no Vidaza for now. This is good news because the side-effects of it are pretty nasty. 

Down side is we need to wait for results for Erin. Failing that match, we need to go to the unrelated donor database. I reiterated to the doctor that I really want to get this rolling for June/July so it would be great if they did the database checks now. 

They prefer to use a related match whenever possible so as to gain factors in the blood they may not be measuring against which is why they are not going straight to the database.

Another appointment is scheduled for two weeks. Hopefully I will know more then.

First round of bad news

Heard from Dana Farber and my youngest sister Megan is only a partial match. Hoping Erin's test works out better else we will need to search the unrelated donor database.

Sunday, May 1, 2011

Another visit with the oncologist on Monday and dentist on Tuesday

Well that will be fun. More blood drawn as usual and another check of the dropping levels. Hope it isn't too bad. Kind of want to avoid taking Vidaxa but am  reconsidering. My energy levels are in the toilet. Just doing some basic housework for spring cleaning wipes me out.Also, the aches and pains are always present. Maybe getting on the meds will slow progression of the disease. Something to discuss.

Tuesday I need to see my dentist for a thorough exam and full mouth x-rays. The exam is to ensure I have no infections or underlying problems prior to my undergoing chemo.The chemo causes sores of the mouth and a lot of excess saliva among other pleasantness.