Tuesday, July 16, 2013

Semi-good day at the rheumatologist

In a way, it was a good visit at the rheumatologist today. Analysis of the MRI images took earlier this morning show that I do not have Rheumatoid Arthritis after all. White areas around the joints show fluid build up around the tendons which is inducing the pain and restricted movement. For now, I am to continue on the prednisone while the doctor confers with Dana Farber. He wants to be sure there are no objections to putting me on methotrexate. Methotrexate is a commonly used for severe arthritic symptoms but, like in my previous case, is also used as chemotherapy drug at higher doses. This stuff has a lot of nasty side affects such as liver damage, lung damage, inhibiting blood cell production, and more so I don't really relish the idea of this. Here is to hoping we can side-step the problem through longer use of steroids. Can't believe I said that but the other medication is truly that nasty.

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