Today was my first day of ECP infusions.
Cathy and I got there for the 7AM start and things went pretty well.
We didn't actually get the infusion process started until about 8ish due to delays in getting a good line in.
I almost felt bad for the nurse.
It took another nurse and heating the arm before we were able to make any headway.
Things were relatively boring once the process started but it was nice to be able to log into work and keep busy.
Infusion finished at about 10:30 and there were thankfully no real side effects.
I was a bit sensitive to light but I have some special issue sun glasses to deal with the problem.
Orders are to avoid even indirect light from a window if possible for a day or so after treatment.
I also get to wear a bandage all day to control bleeding due to the heparin.
All in all, lots of fun.
Good luck. Will keep you in my thoughts, especially during this special season. Expect a miracle. They DO happen. I'm certain of it. I've both seen and experienced them. But there's no doubt this is rough stuff. So whine a little if you like. You've a right. The kid is absolutely adorable. Peace.