Monday, December 16, 2013

First day of ECP infusion

Today was my first day of ECP infusions.

Cathy and I got there for the 7AM start and things went pretty well.

We didn't actually get the infusion process started until about 8ish due to delays in getting a good line in.

I almost felt bad for the nurse.

It took another nurse and heating the arm before we were able to make any headway.

Things were relatively boring once the process started but it was nice to be able to log into work and keep busy.

Infusion finished at about 10:30 and there were thankfully no real side effects.

I was a bit sensitive to light but I have some special issue sun glasses to deal with the problem.

Orders are to avoid even indirect light from a window if possible for a day or so after treatment.

I also get to wear a bandage all day to control bleeding due to the heparin.

All in all, lots of fun.

Friday, December 13, 2013

News on ECP transfusions

I went to the Kraft Family Blood Donor Center this morning to have my veins evaluated.

They are good which means I get to avoid having a line put in.

Treatments start next week, Monday and  Tuesday.

I was provided a schedule running all the way into next April but this is likely not accurate.

When I go to my next visit at Dana Farber on 01/21/2014, they will evaluate my progress and adjust accordingly.

The plan for Monday, since it is my first treatment, is to go in and then work from home for the remainder of the day.

I should have an idea of how the treatment will impact me at that point.

Side effects of this process are largely minor.

- Tiredness because the infusion process makes  the heart run faster than normal
- Sensitivity to light. This is not a huge deal in the winter but will become something to be aware of in the summer. I was given a nice set of wrap around sunglasses for this. Standard sunglasses wont do.
- Larger chance of bleeding around  the days of treatment. This is not from the treatment itself but from the anti-coagulants added.

I was brought into the infusion area and it is kind of small.

Kind of reminds me of  a pre-surgery  waiting area.

No frills. I wasnt expecting  a spa but it is a pretty bland  area to be stuck in for several hours at a pop.

At least there is internet so it wont be completely boring.

Tuesday, November 26, 2013

The name of the pain does not remain the same

Dana Farber examined me this morning and they state that the diagnosis from the rheumatologist was incorrect.

The Stem Cell Transplantation Program Chief stated that I am having an adverse Graft Versus Host Disease (GVHD) symptoms that, if not treated, can cause some significant and life threatening problems.


They wish for me to undergo a process called Extracorporeal photopheresis (ECP) to address the issue and reverse existing damage.

ECP is similar in some ways to dialysis in someways because my blood is "cleaned" and returned.

Using two iv leads, blood is extracted, mixed with some chemicals, flashed with UV light, then fed back in.

Sounds like oodles of fun for all concerned.

Saturday, November 23, 2013

A name for the pain

My rhuematologist finally thinks he knows what is causing all of the pain, eosphenolic fasciitis. A more common name for it, thank you internet, is Shulman's Syndrome. Among its more charming aspects, it causes skin contraction, swelling, and a thickening of the skin. The constriction is the source of the stiffness/pain, loss of motion, and an orange peel like dimpling of the skin. A common treatment is to use medications that suppress the immune system to reverse the swelling. Because of my stem cell transplant and already impaired immune system, that is kind of a problem. For the time being, my prednisone dosage was upped from 5mg to 40mg which seems to have helped a little. I'll be meeting with Dana Farber and Brigham Womens on Tuesday to find out the next steps for this as well as having a bone density test. The bone test was already scheduled so it will be a busy morning.

Tuesday, July 16, 2013

Semi-good day at the rheumatologist

In a way, it was a good visit at the rheumatologist today. Analysis of the MRI images took earlier this morning show that I do not have Rheumatoid Arthritis after all. White areas around the joints show fluid build up around the tendons which is inducing the pain and restricted movement. For now, I am to continue on the prednisone while the doctor confers with Dana Farber. He wants to be sure there are no objections to putting me on methotrexate. Methotrexate is a commonly used for severe arthritic symptoms but, like in my previous case, is also used as chemotherapy drug at higher doses. This stuff has a lot of nasty side affects such as liver damage, lung damage, inhibiting blood cell production, and more so I don't really relish the idea of this. Here is to hoping we can side-step the problem through longer use of steroids. Can't believe I said that but the other medication is truly that nasty.

Tuesday, June 25, 2013

Joint pain..

The doctor reviewed symptoms and believes I may have Rheumatoid Arthritis but needs to determine the exact nature.

My being on varied medications plus having gone through chemotherapy and a bone marrow transplant make a mess of my blood chemistry.

Standard RA blood markers may not apply.

I was put back on a lower dosage of prednisone to try and manage symptoms while a longer treatment plan is determined.

An MRI will be done on July 16th when I see the doctor next.

Not overjoyed about being on the steroids again but I guess it is better than the agony. Hope the water retention and associated side effects do not return. Lost 53lbs since being off the things. Don't want to backslide

Tuesday, May 28, 2013

Results of May Dana Farber visit

Things went very well.

I have been taken off of Acyclovir, Bactrim, Folic acid, Lasix, and the multi-vitamin.

Numbers are very good with:

         Current          Range
RBC    4.56             4.2-5.6
WBC   11.7              3.8-9.2
PLT     374              155-410

White count is a little high but likely due to joint inflammation.

Dr. Antin wants me to make an appointment to see Dr. Helfgott in Rheumatology at the Brigham again.

He also wants me to start taking Tylenol and Aleve to try bringing down the swelling.

The expectation is it won’t help much but worth a try until Helfgott can look again.

What we are seeing in my hands is not GVHD so we need to start exploring other things.

My next appointment is with a nurse practitioner in November.

They will be having me do a bone density scan while here. The density scan is just an x-ray, not like the biopsy. It is not uncommon for decreased bone density after a transplant.

I got my last set of shots today, six in total with half to each arm. 

Since my immune system is now up and running, it is possible I could track fever up to 102 or so and significant soreness as a side effect.

I could also get a skin condition similar to shingles so I would want to restart the Acyclovir and let Dr. Antin know if that happens.

All in all, I am right where I should be and am pleased with the results.

Now it is up to the Rheumatologist to finally get a handle on the pain. It has spread from just the hands to the shoulders, hips and even toes. If this is arthritis, wow.

Tuesday, March 5, 2013

Results from March quarterly Dana Farber visit

Things went very well today and they were very pleased about the weight loss.

Blood work was solid with

RBC = 4.55  (normal is 4.2 to 5,6)
PLT = 331 (normal is 155 to 410)
WBC = 11.3 (normal is 3.6 to 9.2)

White blood cell counts are a little high but to be expected because I am fighting the tail end of a cold.

The doctors took me off the prednisone which is fantastic and they are finally doing something about my hands.

I received a script for a med to help with the fluid build up in the hands which is causing them swell, feel stiff, and generate pain.

The swelling is actually giving symptoms to carpal tunnel. Sweet.

Lastly, since this is my 18 month mark, I got the second Hep B shot.

I'll be getting the third and last Hep B in my next visit at the end of May.

All in all, very pleased.

Monday, January 21, 2013

Well this is new

GVHD is branching out in its symptoms. Over the last few days, the entire surface area of my scalp has become seriously painful to touch and even bending over makes it hurt. It is slowly getting better but it is still nasty right at the base of the skull and on the forehead. Weird.

Saturday, January 12, 2013

GVHD related pain has been severe of late. If I didn't know any better, I'd swear I'd been worked over by a baseball bat. To be fair, I have not been taking my Lyrica like I should but damn this is intense. On the upside, I have been able to drop some of the weight. Down 13lbs from the official weigh-in at Dana Farber but still lots to go.