We started the day with the doctor giving a brief overview of things and a slew of paperwork.
With all of the consent forms and such, you would have sworn we were buying a house!
Next came an injection to test for TB and a meeting with a social worker.
The social worker was actually very useful.
We found a way to get cards for gas as well as a way to get free parking for the duration of my stay at the hospital.
I then did a puliminary function test and lab draw.
The pulinary test was a non event but I was amazed at the lab draw. They took twenty one (21) vials of blood from me. Holeee crap!
The afternoon was spent doing an EKG, chest x-ray, echocardiogram, and an info session with the coordinating RN.
She was fantastic, going through every detail. We were given a calendar which broke down each thing that was happening and what I am likely to experience on a per day basis.
Dana Farber definitely has their act together.
We largely went from appointment to appointment like clockwork.
Glad to hear you're in good hands, Andy. Hoping for the best!