White blood cell count -7.5 (normal is 3.8 to 9.2)
Red blood cell count - 4.27 ( normal is 4.2 - 4.6)
Platelet count -146 (normal is 155 to 410)
What are of concern are my high easinophil and easinophil ABS counts.
Their presence is not normal because they do not develop unless the body is fighting something like tissue inflammation or allergic reactions
This may caused by the GVHD hitting my nails or it could be something more.
Liver functions are off but could be related to the easinophil counts.
Additional blood tests were in order.
I also called my primary care to see if we can get the rhuematology results turned around.
What they have to say will help determine if the joint pain is arthritic or GVHD.
Counts are high enough that I can try ibuprofen to reduce swelling but i can only do it once in awhile and at low doses.
Any more and it will mess with my counts too much.