Tuesday, December 4, 2012

Latest visit from Dana Farber

I visited Dana Farber today for my quarterly visit and things continue to progress well.

The red blood cell, white blood cell, and platelet counts are well established in the normal range.

The doctor has also dropped my prednisone dosage from 20mg to 10mg which is nice.

In a month, I call them and have my dosage dropped to 5mg.

The goal is to take it slow at the end here because the adrenal glands have atrophied.

What is really nice is that I can now go to the gym.

The weight I have gained while on the steroid is a real problem for me and I look forward to shedding it as soon as possible.

During next visit, I should be getting the next series of immunizations.

Wednesday, September 12, 2012

An update from Tuesday's visit

Tuesday's visit was very good.

My numbers continue to be rock solid with the exception of the WBC count.

The WBC is a little high but that is to be expected while on prednisone.

Speaking of prednisone, my dosage was lowered from 40mg to 20mg which is nice.

Hopefully after the next visit, I will be completely off the stuff.

My visit schedule has been altered now from once a month to once every three months.

That is a welcome change but a little sad because I finally got the bus/train schedules down to a science.

We covered my pain issues and we are moving from the neurontin to a new drug called lyrica.

I looked over the side effects of the stuff and it looks to be almost as nasty as the prednisone.

This better be worth it.

At any rate, things are doing great over all and things are slowly returning to normal.

Saturday, September 8, 2012

Just a quick check in

I see the doctor again on Tuesday so I will get a new blood work done.
Last time I was there, the EC count was perfect but I think that has changed.
Pain has come back with a vengeance so I expect the inflammation markers to be high.
The last few days have been pure agony in the hands.
Other than that, things are good.
I feel great and am largely back into a normal routine, 

Tuesday, August 14, 2012

Dana Farber visit - doing very well on all fronts

More good news from my latest Dana Farber visit.

Red blood cell coujnt is 4.63 in a range from 4.2 to 5.6.

Platelets are 220 in a range of 155 to 410.

White blood cell count is high at 20.4 in a range of 3.8 to 9.2 due to the steroids but that will balance out as the dosages decrease

Speaking of dosage decreasing, I can now drop my prednisone dosage down to two tablets a day as of now.

This will help in alleviating the bloating and allow me to start losing weight for a change.

I  got a series of vaccines today and I was told I can ditch wearing a mask and gloves everywhere.

I still need to be smart about it, purell or washing hands frequently and no handshaking for instance.

Next appointment will be on the morning of September 11th.

Thursday, August 9, 2012

Post treatment dental exam..

All things considered, the visit wasn't too bad.

I was expecting full x-rays but that didn't happen.

All we got was a lot of poking around for signs of GVHD and then a thorough cleaning.

Got a clean bill of health so all is good.

Monday, July 23, 2012

An unexpected jaunt to Dana Farber

The lowering of my prednisone dosage finally has caught up with me.

Pain in the hips/hands (neuropath) have come back in force over the last few days.

Rather than increase the prednisone, the decision was made to put me back on the Neurontin at my previous dosage.

The pain return is not entirely unexpected but I do not want to go back on the oxycodone again.

I've also been experiencing some dizziness/lightheaded-ness when getting up.

The doctor called this orthostatic hypotension and can be caused either by change in position or medication.

I go back for my next scheduled visit on the 14th.

Tuesday, July 10, 2012

Dana Farber Visit Today

I met with the doctors today and my counts appear to be rock solid.

Red blood counts are at 4.36 where a normal range is 4.2-5.6.

Plateletts are at 200 where a normal range is 155-410.

White blood cell counts are at 16.2 where normal range is 3.8-9.2.

The WBC's are a bit high but this is to be expected because I am on prednisone.

Basically the numbers are all exactly where they should be which is fantastic.

My prednisone dosage is being lowered from 80 down to 60 which is great. The prednisone has fixed a lot of things but it is causing charlie horse effects in the legs, irritability, jumpiness, bloating, etc. Lowering the dosage will go a long way towards lessening the effects but there is a chance some of the GVHD and neuropathy issues will return. We shall see. According to the doctor, my weight has stayed pretty consistent which is odd. Typically, someone at my dosage of prednisone wil gain 50-60 lbs easy. My life style changes have helped to keep things in check. As the dosages continue to drop, the weight should go with it. It would be nice.

The doctors have also discontinued my use of neurontin. Really sorry to see that one go. That means 6 less pills a day which is nice. To be honest, I am not sure how much benefit we got out of it but it may need to be revisited if neuropathy returns. 

I was supposed to get vaccinated again today but that has been pushed off to the next visit in mid August. The doctor didnt want to add that to the mix with all the medication changes being implemented.

All in all it was a good visit plus I got a handle on how to go direct from the office to Dana Farber and then home using the T.

With careful appointment planning, I can reduce out-of-office time to an absolute minimum which I also like. Getting from the T locations means a good amount of walking but its all good since the pain is no longer there.

Tuesday, June 26, 2012

Dana Farber visit today and the news is great

I met with my doctor at Dana Farber today and things couldn't have gone better.

Blood levels continue to remain at normal levels which is fantastic but what's even better is that the eosinophil levels have gone from a staggering 18 down to 0.

Being on the prednisone really has helped as far as the GVHD, skin constriction problems, and overall pain.

Side effects of it have been puffiness and an increase in irritability but that's to be expected from a steroid.

They have decided to lower my dosage of prednisone with the goal of slowly pulling me off of it but there is a chance the joint pain will come back as they do.

Hopefully a nice balance can be found somewhere on dosages versus pain.

On the up side, I have been cleared so I no longer have to wear a mask and gloves all the time.

They are still necessary for at-risk crowded areas but I that is a judgement thing.

I can also now go to a restaurant and actually sit to eat.

Up till now,  I have been restricted to ordering in so this is a nice treat.

I had hoped they would take me off the neurontin but they don't want to make too many medication changes at the same time.

This will be re-evaluated when I see the doctors again on July 10th.

I am also scheduled to get my next set of immunizations at that time which is very cool.

This was a very good visit.

Wednesday, June 20, 2012

PT today - ow

I went for my first physical therapy session today.

The therapist, lets call her Olga, seems to have been in an unusually enthusiastic mood today. 

With a smile on her face and an over abundance of zeal, Olga proceeded to turn me into my lower back and legs into pretzels.

Olga flipped into high speed on the calves while be-bopping to the piped techno/dance music.

 Thankfully someone changed the radio station to something more reasonable. :)

People. Katie Perry does not equal quality music. Just say no.:)

The strength exercises were a piece of cake but the stretches were something else entirely.

I had no idea that much movement range had been lost from essentially being under house arrest so long!

For anyone stuck in the hospital and then home for an extended period of time, stretching is clearly a must so get to it. It will help speed recovery and reduce joint pain.

Having this done is a good thing and I'll be doing the practice exercises religiously to get back to range.

Sunday, June 10, 2012

GVHD appears to be coming back

Over the last few days, I have been experiencing some GVHD symptoms all over.

My tongue and throat have been raw.

The eyes have been itchy and swollen. They get better over the course of the day but I have been waking up to find them crusted shut.

Now I'm developing irritated skin across the back.

None of this is worth calling the on call doctor for but we will be having a call tomorrow.

Thursday, June 7, 2012

Physical Therapy and a few odd bits

Finally heard back from my physical therapy place this morning.  They were able to get authorization from my insurance company so we start later this week. I don't understand why it took so long to turn this around but I guess progress is progress.

On a more immediate note, a new behavior has reared its head over the last few days. I am not sure if this GVHD related or not but I have been waking up with my eyes encrusted. It is almost reminiscent of what you get with pink eye but I don't have that. The eyes are dry but clear.  I sent a message to my nurse practitioner on it so we will see what we see.

I also asked about whether I can stop taking the neurontin. I started it to help with the pain but I am no longer sure it did me any good. The only thing that has kill the pain is the prednisone. Here is to hoping the nurse practitioner or my doctor say yes on stopping. It would mean six less pills for the day which is nothing to sneeze at.

Monday, May 28, 2012

Another stroll with the youngins - dare I say it

Ben, Nyx, and I all went for a walk to the park. I was hoping Ben would have some friends to play with but no such luck on Memorial Day. That's okay. We took a long walk around the school playing field then a trip to the pond. The walk was not as ambitious as yesterdays but Nyx loved romping around in the grass. It was a beautiful out and the breezes were great. What was even better was I had a second day of no pain. I could feel a slight bit of twinging in the hips at the very end but nothing significant and certainly not the debilitating "please shoot me now" pain it used to be. I cant do a brisk dragging a 4yr old and a dachshund around but it was enough for now. The exercise is much needed from being cooped up so long.

Sunday, May 27, 2012

A little exercise with my younger folk - no pain!!

Took my son and Nyx to the park which then evolved into a walk around the pond.

The exercise was good for all involved but it may have been a little too much for Nyx. He petered out and wouldn't walk anymore towards the end so I had to carry him for the last 1/3 of the walk. I think that made my son a little jealous.

I was really happy the walk didn't hurt the hips like the last few times. I guess we are making progress there. Now I need to cool off and let the skin relax because I think we are a tad cooked.

It was really good to get out for a little fresh air. Hope to do it again but preferably when it is a little less hot.

Saturday, May 26, 2012

RI ANG Air Show

Didn't realize the RI ANG Air Show was coming up so quickly. June 16th weekend. Woo hooo!! Si what if I have to cover up head to toe in clothes and a sunblock. It will be worth it.

Friday, May 25, 2012

A day at the Lance Armstrong Adult Survivorship

Today started with our first appointment at 8am with a psychologist to go over how we are coping with the illness and recovery. According to the psychologist, they deem us well adjusted and doing well considering all the challenges that have come our way. Clearly they don't know me very well. My name and "well adjusted" don't exactly come up often in the same sentence.

We then went to see dermatologist to discuss long term skin care, We discussed some of the tightening and pain issues but feel the prednisone is the right treatment for now. Moisturizer, hydrocortizone, and sun block are now a must. Not sun screen. A block. Between the normal skin issues associated with BMT and my being on prednisone make my skin extremely vulnerable.

We visited a dentist to evaluate any GVHD issues. Turns out I have a slight case of GVHD at the low cheek line but nothing that I had outright noticed. Since I am on other treatments and it is not irritating, we are sitting tight for now but will keep watch.

The optometrist visit was also pretty vanilla. We know we have GVHD in the eyes and the eyes are dry which is typical for a post BMT patient. The magic prednisone should help with it but we need to be careful for long term use can contribute to cataracts. We should get a local optometrist to get a check up when I have time to do an eye dilation. Today was a whirlwind day so there was no time for anything more than a cursory exam.

Lastly, I had my first physical therapy visit today. My rhuematologist had set me up with this to help my hip and knee pain. He felt that my glutes were probably weak which was causing the pain. The PT specialist evaluated me and said that I was plenty strong. The muscle groups are very tight which may be contributing to the issue and they will work that to see if it helps.

Tuesday, May 22, 2012

Today's update from the doctors

It was a loooong data at Dana Farber, Brigham and Women's, and associated satellite facility. We had a blood draw, EKG, visit with the doctor, pulmonary test, bone density test, and an echo-cardiogram to finish up the day.

The blood draw was a little more than average at 11 vials. Certainly not my personal best but a good amount for a monthly exam. What was annoying was that they were VERY late. This delay compounded with  delay creep in other appointments caused a lot of running around and being over an hour late in some cases.

Anyone who knows me how severely anal I am about being on time so this really ticked me off as the day progressed.

Anyway. The visit with the doctor, really NP, was a bit more eventful. When we first got into the room, we were given a list of medications and allergies but only the allergies were listed. This made me all kinds of excited with the idea that I was getting pulled off the medications. Clearly I assumed wrong because the NP set me straight right off. Someone merely f'ed up. We then went on to discuss my pain. Eureka. We finally have an idea why. Turns out my arm and hand skin are getting EXTREMELY tight which is causing compression on the blood vessels, veins, muscles, etc due to GVHD. This causes fluid to flow and get trapped in the hands which causes the swelling and restriction in the above things. This explains why the pain can never be pinpointed to any one area and why cold/hot treatments fail. This is also why there is no evidence on the x-rays of arthritis. We have also decided that I now have an excellent case of GVHD in my eyes with my right eye being the worst. It has been decided that the steroid prednisone is the way to go. This will hopefully help with both problems. Taking the steroid has some serious side effects which I wont go into. All I can say is I hope not to be on it very long.

Saturday, May 19, 2012

Last few days have been a treat

I thought the neurontin was helping with my joint pain but clearly that was wrong. The last few days have been pure agony from the hands up to the shoulders. On the usual 1-10 pain scale, they have been floating at around an 8. I am thinking it may have to do with the weather but who knows. I have been using heat but that hasn't helped. I have my monthly at Dana Farber on Tuesday. This will definitely be discussed further.

Monday, May 14, 2012

Lance Armstrong Adult Survivorship Program

According to Dana Farber Cancer Institute, I am supposed to go to the Lance Armstrong Adult Survivorship Program on Friday May 25th  to address long term complications of the bone marrow transplant.

I have my normal Dana Farber visit on the 22nd but this will be expanded upon to include bone density, pulmonary, echocardiogram, EKG, and a larger array of blood tests.

This is actually pretty good news.

I am one step closer to returning to my normal life.

Wednesday, May 9, 2012

On display - one show only

I took my daughter to Assabet Technical and Vocational school tonight for orientation. The staff was great and they were very high energy. They even did a cooking demonstration in the auditorium while the orientation was presented. Many of the kids were allowed to help with the cooking which was very nice. Lots of information was available both on the schooling and they many sports/clubs Lauren may be interested in. This sounds liike a great opportunity for her. Going out in a mask and gloves was worth the look of excitement on her face.

Tuesday, May 1, 2012

Visited rheumatologist - working my ass off

Okay.. I couldn't resist the post title.

End result of today's visit with the rheumatologist is that x-ray results of the knees and hips show no issues. Additionally, supporting blood work does not show any other ear marks that the joint pain is being caused by an immune system reaction. The doctor surmises that my being relatively inactive since the BMT has caused my gluteous maximus, gluteous minimus, and supporting connection tissue has gotten weak. Lovely. I have been prescribed physical therapy to literally strengthen my ass. If you know me and my twisted sense of humor, you can just imagine the struggle I endured during the office visit.

Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Todays visit at Dana Farber had a surprise

Today was my monthly visit at Dana Farber for levels checks and so forth. All the counts continue to be strong.

WBC: 8.4
RBC: 4.23
Hematocrit 41.8
Platelet: 192

EO counts are still high which could indicate I am bound for a chronic GVHD hit but I am hopeful.

What was really cool was I got my first series of immunizations today.

These were the Haemophilus Influenzae Type B (HIB), Pneumococcal Conjugate, and the Diptheria Tetnus and Pertussis.

Side effects from these should be minimal because my immune system is still impaired.

Another set of immunizations will be done at the 1 yr mark and then again at the 15 month mark.

As time goes on and the immune system builds, my reactions to the vaccinations will become more pronounced.

Something to look forward to I guess.

On the upside, this is a nice indication that things are beginning their return to normal.

Thursday, April 12, 2012

Today's visit at the Brigham

My local oncologist really fast tracked things for me to see a rhuematologist.  I spent all morning at Brigham and Women's to see a specialist there. Lots of contortion prove what we know. I have pain and movement of the left leg is limited in certain ranges. More blood was taken, eight vials I think, and they sent me to radiology for some some films of the knees/hips. Hopefully this will shed some light on what is going on. On the upside, the neurontin has really helped with the hand pain so I have been off the oxycodone for over a week My head no longer feels like packed cotton but I want to sleep a lot. This will decrease the more I get used to the stuff.

Friday, April 6, 2012

Visit with the local oncologist or "I gotta new drug"

I saw the local oncologist today as a post hospital stay follow-up. He recommends I go see a rheumatologist at the Brigham instead of messing around with the UMass system. The doctors there are used to dealing with cancer patients and know to fast-track certain things as needed. He also is starting me on a new medication called Neurontin. It is used for a lot of things but essentially it changes how the body handles pain. It isn't a cure but it will help while we wait for the rheumatologist to make a more detailed evaluation on the root cause.

Wednesday, April 4, 2012

Hospital visit - outta here!

The doctors came by this morning and said things look good so I can go home. I am very happy about that. They take really good care of you here at Dana Farber but I miss the family and my own bed.

We had a little bit of drama with the IV line they originally put in,. The line got occluded and my skin was reacting badly to the bandage glues. Different bandage types and tapes were tried but nothing really helped.

I am really glad my stay is short otherwise it could have been worse.

Skin issues are not uncommon after a BMT and I have been lucky.

Tuesday, April 3, 2012

Back in the hospital - a whole lotta nothing

My stay here at Dana Farber has largely been uneventful which is good. The temperatures I experienced Sunday night have not come back and blood cultures continue to be negative. If things continue like this, I expect to be released sometime tomorrow afternoon. I had hoped they might be able to squeeze in having a rhuematologist look at me since I am have such a long wait with my local one but that does not appear to be in the cards. Not a big deal. I will still want to see my local oncologist when I get out of here so we can get up-to-date on progress.

In any case, things are good and I am itching to get back home to my own bed and knee deep in the chaos. Now it is just a matter of waiting.

Monday, April 2, 2012

Back in the hospital

Sunday evening,  I got very cold to the point of shivering and clacking teeth. I tried a hot shower to boost my core temp but that didnt work. Shortly after that, extreme nausea set in. Not to be gross but I threw up which seems to have helped clear the nausea but my temperature spiked at 103.4. We called my doctor at Dana Farber and he had us go to our local hospital for cultures and an x-ray. They didn't do much more than give me tylenol and send me home. I spoke to my doctor at Dana Farber this morning and she said to get admitted..  Now.  Considering my condition, she feels this can go from bad to worse in a heart beat so it is best to come in to be checked out.. I will be having another x-ray and set of cultures done. They will also be putting me on an antibiotic mix to head-off anything. The plan is I will be staying overnight. Glad I thought ahead to bring spare clothes and stuff. Right now I am in a "flow" room. Shortly I am to be moved to the same tower I was in when I had the chemo and stem cell transplant. Yee haw.

Wednesday, March 21, 2012

Latest from Dana Farber visit - potential liver issues

Blood level counts continue to do well with a little fluctuation here and there. Platelets have gone down a little but it is not a huge concern.

White blood cell count -7.5    (normal is 3.8 to 9.2)
Red blood cell count - 4.27 ( normal is 4.2 - 4.6)
Platelet count -146 (normal is 155 to 410)

What are of concern are my high easinophil and easinophil ABS counts.

Their presence is not normal because they do not develop unless the body is fighting something like tissue inflammation or allergic reactions

This may caused by the GVHD hitting my nails or it could be something more.

Liver functions are off but could be related to the easinophil counts. 

Additional blood tests were in order.

I also called my primary care to see if we can get the rhuematology results turned around.

What they have to say will help determine if the joint pain is arthritic or GVHD.

 Counts are high enough that I can try ibuprofen to reduce swelling but i can only do it once in awhile and at low doses.

Any more and it will mess with my counts too much.

Tuesday, March 6, 2012

Oh how the mighty have fallen - nail polish

Due to the thinness and weakness of my nails, it is now necessary to put on a nail hardener.

It is more accurate to say my wife put it on me since I have absolutely zero experience doing this.

After managing to chip and split nails putting on a sock, the message was received.

Sunday, February 26, 2012

Its baaaaack.

I guess all good things must come to an end. I went about a week or so with no real joint pain.. Guess it was just resting because it has come back with a vengeance. Just took two oxycodone's to help mitigate it somewhat. I know it is going to make me want to sleep but it is better than the alternative.

Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Dana Farber Day - latest levels are fantastic

Today's blood work results were spectacular.
                                                             Reference Range
White Blood Cell Count         6.7                (3.8-9.2)
Red Blood Cell Count           4.47               (4.2-5.6)
Platelet                              167               (155-410)

Everything is now showing in the normal range!

Things were even good enough that I no longer need to take the tacrolimus immune-suppressant.

Very excited about all of this.

Wednesday, February 8, 2012

Cold - day 2

Things seem to be doing better today. There is no fever and my chest congestion is gone. I do have nasal congestion and drip but that is about it. I don’t have aches and pains beyond what I normally have and there are no skin rashes or similar issues. 

Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Looks like we have a nice cold going on - not good

Having all the typical symptoms of a nasty head/chest cold. I called Dana Farber and they authorized my using over the counter medication to try and treat it but they are only willing to wait a day for signs of improvement. Should it go any longer, they are going to want me to go in for a once over. With my immune system impaired, it doesn't take much for this to turn into something more severe really fast.

Thursday, February 2, 2012

Rheumatology visit

The visit was about what I expected. The doctor checked the joints but my large hands make detecting swelling difficult. Hip movement in certain ranges is restricted which would explain the pain there. The problem is they cant tell right now if the pain is due to wear and tear or inflammation. I had x-rays done of the hands and that should reveal inflammation if it exists. If it isn't there, then we are likely looking at a form of osteoarthritis. If that is the case, then the best I can hope for is treatment for the pain. I wont see the doctor again until May which I am not happy about. I plan on calling them in a week or two since the x-rays would undoubtedly have been reviewed by then. Maybe i can arrange to get in earlier. The pain is pretty rough even on the best of days.

Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Today's visit to Dana Farber

The visit was largely uneventful. Levels are still on the rise but the increase is beginning to slow down now that normal range is approaching. GVHD is under control and only lightly showing on the back. My nails still look like hell but it was explained as swollen nail beds. It will eventually sort itself out in time.

The big issue of joint pain is being deferred to the rhuematologist like I expected. The reasons for having joint pain with MDS have been removed so its source is something else we need to find. The rhuematologist will have to consult with Dana Farber for any medications because we dont want them to interfere with my recovery. A favored drug they use is methotrexate which would lower my counts..

All in all not too bad and pretty much what I expected.

Monday, January 16, 2012

a little good news on the pain management front

My local oncologist took pity on my pain and prescribed some oxycodone. Cant take them during the day because it will make my head fuzzy but it should take the edge off enough that I can sleep.

Thursday, January 12, 2012

Visit with the general practitioner

At my Dana Farber doctors request, I met with my general practitioner this morning on my joint pain.

Nothing was really done to help me immediately but she is lining me up to see a rheumatologist.

The hope is they can figure out what is going on or at least put me on something to take the edge off.

Over the counter medications and home remedies (such as heating pads, tylenol, etc) don't touch it.

Oxycodone helped somewhat in that it let me sleep but you cant really take that during the day as it puts your head in a fuzzy state.

Will be seeing my local oncologist on Monday and the Dana Farber doctor on Tuesday.

Maybe one of them can help.

Would be nice to go to sleep without pain for a change.

Wednesday, January 4, 2012

As the MDS turns...

New Graft vs Host symptoms..

All the calluses on my feet have sloughed off.

My feet areas smooth as a babies backside and just as red/irritated because there is nothing there to protect them while walking.

Towards the end of the day, it is almost like walking on a burning rash.

Good times.