Monday, November 21, 2011

Dental visit scheduled

Off to the dentist at 4. My lower left jaw has been aching really badly. It is sore to the touch and it hurts like hell to bite. Hoping it is nothing major like an abscess. i spoke to my NP and she said they prefer invasive work be avoided due to risk of infection.

Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Where we are for levels

My wife did a comparision between now and before the transplant and they are on a steady rise.  

When I went into the hospital, before the transplant, levels were...

white blood cell-2.5

As of yesterday, white blood count is now at a low normal of 4.3 (the lowest being 3.8 before it's considered a abnormal low).

Hemoglobin is 12.9 (with 13.2 being the low normal), hemotacrit is 36.9 (with 38.4 being the low normal) and platelets are now 120 (with 155 being the low normal). 

Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Today was a very good doctor day!

We had a VERY good day at the monthly Dana Farber levels check and consult. White blood cell counts are in the low but normal range and hematocrit/platelet counts continue to rise. What was cool though is that I've progressed enough that several meds are no longer needed. Additionally, the tacrolimus medication i take for anti-rejection has also been dosage reduced. Very happy about that one because the tac is why my hands tremor.